11 March 2009

'An Eye Can Threaten like a Loaded and Levelled Gun'

Biggest painting to date. I started to get some recognition thanks to this piece and it's the starting point of everything I'm working on now. There are quite a few pieces in progress, so hopefully I get them done before my show at the Merchandise Mart, April 10th. Get full details here
If you're in Chicago definately come by, it's one night only.


J. Anthony Kosar said...

Again... WOW,... I really like this one too! Keep it up!

P.S. I added a link to your blog on mine.

Jerry Oswalt III said...

Thanks alot for the link and the comment. I didnt know you had a blog, I'll check it out.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jerry,

I loved the show. Yours was the best. Maybe I am a little prejudice. I took pictures of all 11. They now are a CD and in print so I can start showing all my friends.

Jerry Sr or should I be Jerry the first?